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Away Down South in Dixie. . . No More!

Away Down South in Dixie . . . No More!

Those are the opening words of a recent post by my neighbor and friend, Jim Moseley, in the weekly newsletter to Presbyterian churches of the P.C.U.S.A. in the state of Delaware and the Eastern Shore of Maryland.  Jim wrote in response to the recent violence in Charlottesville, fomented and organized by white supremacists and joined by neo-Nazis.  He gave me permission to share his words here.  I know they will be of interest to interfaith activists.

— TCDavis


portrait of Rev. James Moseley
Rev. James Moseley

My home is in the South. I have lived in the states of Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, Missouri, Virginia and Kentucky with family still in Arkansas and Alabama. I was reared on grits. The cultural mythology of the noble South runs deep in my veins. Yet there is nothing noble or honorable about a skewed view of history concocted to portray Southern Whites as genteel custodians of the African American citizenry of our nation. This is appropriately known as White Supremacy, but needs to be named as blatant racism. It raised its ugly head in Charlottesville this week.

White Supremacists cling to the myth of racial purity, intellectual superiority and therefore deserved privilege. Though they claim to be motivated by a noble cause they are, in fact, motivated by the fear of their loss of status in an ever more multicultural and pluralistic culture. They are encouraged in their violent antics by elected officials pretending that the murderous symbols of torches, swastikas, and pointy hooded white robes are benign. Once such groups were predominantly located in the Deep South but now have exported their bigotry across the country. I see Confederate flags waving in Delaware, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The propagation of such racist symbols, slogans and marches by White Supremacists does not occur in a vacuum. They spread in environments in which public figures, elected officials and good people say nothing and do nothing to defy such ideology. I am culpable as a child of the South and a man of inherited White privilege if I do not speak up and speak out. The bankrupt ideology of White Supremacy has no place in our democracy. Our Constitution declares that we are “all created equal.” Our scripture says that we are to love one another (I John 3:9-10).
It’s time to lay down our weapons and to seek the common good of our nation and for all humanity.
  — Rev. James Moseley
     Executive Presbyter of New Castle Presbytery
     Presbyterian Church U.S.A.



  1. Mary Eberts Mary Eberts

    Well said Mr. Davis. How DO we get it across to these Alt Right Whites that they live in a world which is occupied by a far greater number of humans who are NOT white, and if they want to survive they are going to have to learn to live in peace with the rest of the world. I keep wondering if any of them have the slightest knowledge of what the message God sent through Christ really was about. Do they really think having guns with them all the tine will actually provide real safety? There are plenty of instances where it results in tragedy. Do they really want to go down the same road that led to the horrors of the 1930’s and WWII? Only this time much of it would be fought on US soil instead of European and Asian soil. I suspect many of the younger people involved in this are ignorant of what really happened in those years. I sometimes think maybe if DNA tests of mulch of this population would provide a different outlook. I suspect a GREAT number of people would be very surprised to find out who they really are descended from. MHE — I’m not on any of the social websites, and seldom ever post comments.

    • Thanks for your comment, Mary. The effort for changing hearts and minds toward kindliness is best done locally, through participation in groups where citizens from diverse walks of life labor together to help the needy and make our environment more livable. I think it’s hard to persuade strangers online, but that’s no reason to stop writing. Still, letting one’s life speak is the more powerful tool.

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