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Gun Violence: What Can YOU Do About It?

Heeding God's CallAfter the tragedy of Sandy Hook many citizens are determined to do whatever it takes to reduce gun violence in this country.  What does it take, besides writing letters to one’s legislators, or demonstrating in the streets?  At last night’s meeting of the Delaware Coalition Against Gun Violence, held at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Wilmington, Delaware, one of the speakers, Bryan Miller, brought news of another way.  It’s already been field tested by an organization he birthed, Heeding God’s Call.  In the 10 minute video posted below, Mr. Miller, a member of the Presbyterian Church USA, talks about his experience with other people of faith in their sustained efforts to slow the flow of guns at the first point of sale: gun shops.  If you are upset about gun violence and want to do something effective to reduce it, watch this video!

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  1. Norris Cramer Norris Cramer

    Tom, great article. I will look for more information about this group as when they do something local I might be interested in participating…thanks for the info…

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