In my post yesterday, I wrote briefly about racism in America. How can Delawareans address the ills of racism? The YWCA in Wilmington asked me to pass along the following information about a program that will help. Thanks, Faye Bonneau, :for guest posting about:
Taking a Stand Against Racism
YWCA Delaware cordially invites your organization to join us in taking a Stand Against Racism in our community.
We are calling on organizations, corporations, schools, hospitals, houses of worship, and government agencies in Delaware to become a “Participating Site” of the National YWCA Stand Against Racism event to be held on Friday, April 26, 2013.
The goal of the event is simple: we want to raise awareness that racism still exists in our community and that it can no longer be ignored or tolerated. Our strength is in numbers!
As a Participating Site of YWCA’sStand Against Racism event, you will be asked to host a “Stand” or event. To obtain additional information on how to do this and become a participating partner, please
We hope we can count on your support as this movement is far too important!
To learn more about our Racial Justice efforts, please contact Faye Bonneau at 302.224.4060 ext. 218 or