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If Not for Love: Photos and a Poem

If Not for Love


Sometimes by icy mountain brook

there shines a gentle light

that etches all it falls upon

with loveliness.




Or on a beach at even tide

the gold of setting sun

ignites the foam of falling wave,

inviting one: come rest, come look!

To us such glorious light is given!

And to what purpose, if not to show

that all about is much more

beauty than there needs to be?

. . . if not for Love.


copyright 2013 by TCDavis


  1. norris Cramer norris Cramer

    Thanks Tom for the beautiful words and pictures, truly a gift of God. May your Christmas be as beautiful as what you have sent…Merry Christmas, Kwanzaa and Hanukkah…..

  2. George Turner George Turner

    Thanks Tom; MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and Alice.


  3. Nihat Nihat

    Thanks Tom; MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and Alice.

    • Thanks so much, friends, for leaving a comment at my interfaith peacemaking blog. May you be blessed in this season of light.
      — Tom

  4. Neeta Neeta

    Talent at its best!!
    Beautiful photos accompanied by intricately woven words.

    Thank you Tom


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